She's alive

It's already 2 days since Dreb left on his business trip. She misses him so much, but she can't do anything and just keep herself busy doing everything. She keeps herself busy just to avoid thinking about Dreb. She sighs. 

"How can I keep myself distracted if he keeps on appearing on my mind?" she said and turns her swivel chair. Her secretary went in and looks at her. 

"Madam?" Andrea turns around and stops her chair. She then looks at her and frowned. 

"Yes? What is it?" she asked. 

"Someone's looking for you" Andrea was frowning while looking at her. She had no idea who is it. 

"Tell her to wait there. I'll be there."

"Okay," her secretary then left and closed the door. She was thinking about who was it, but as she was thinking about it, she gets nervous out of a sudden.