Family Diner

Dreb was in his office looking at his laptop as he was typing something. He didn't expect Carmela would come to his office. She then knocks on the door and opens it. Dreb was still typing, but he stops as she was looking at him. He then stood as it was his daughter. 

"Carmela? What's wrong, baby?" he asks. She then sat down on the sofa inside his office.

"I-i ju-st wa-n-ted to as-k you a-bo-ut m-my bro-ther," she said. Dreb looks at her and nods. 

"Go on ask,"

Carmela then went towards his table and gets some paper to write her questions. She then started to write and give it to her dad. Dreb then looks at what she writes on the paper. He then started to read it. 

"Why it has to be him, dad? He was my past lover and I found out that he was my brother," Dreb didn't finish reading it as he was looking at her. Her eyes went teary as her dad looks at him.