

She cant remember anything about herself. When she tried to remember it all she can renenber is the recent ones . Those memories were 2 yrs ago.

She woke up in a big room of a burning mansion. She stand up as quick as possible when she smell the smoke inside the room. She looked around and only saw the hell scenery in front of her . The angry fire wad eating the doors and ceiling. The windows were all broken .

The terrace got her attention . There where she can get out. She went there and stepped back when she realized that there is a person out there.

"W-who are you" she said

The stranger opened the door from the outside. It is an old man; you can see it in his white hairs. He is wearing a formal suit. His blue eyes sparkled while he smiled a meaningful smile.

"Byul" He said " Its me , your father" The person who introduced himself as Byul's father is NamJoon . He is the only one who knew Byul and all of the words that he said is the only thing she trust. Yes . Its normal to the daughter to trust her fathers words...

After saving Byul into the fire they both went to a very dark mansion. She caught the curtains in the window preventing the sunlight to go through it . Its quite odd to see everything when its so dark.

When its sunrise, Byul was about to open the curtains but her father told her not to do it . She asked why . He didnt lied to hee and told her the truth in her new identity .

She is now a vampire and not an ordinary person . Namjoon told her that you can only be a vampire if you drink blood from a pure vampire . The process isnt finished yet. There is a ritual after the blood giving . Byul asked about it but Namjoon didnt answered.

Byul was thinking about the existance of the vampire in all of this time they were just hiding from the people. One thing slid to her thoughts that maybe there is a superior which they worship. Because if they doesnt vampires can rule the world easily. But there is some hard headed sometimes.

She thought that if she's an ordinary person in the past before being a vampire , who gave her the blood ?

She thought that everything in her life is okay. But as the night passes she slowly realized that she's a monster.

The day came that being a vampire for her is a curse. Drinking blood is against her prinsiple but she cant do anything about it. She cant die until she finds out the reason why she became a vampire and why did she lost her memories .

Namjoon , Byul's father has a great anger in vampires. He is just using Byul to kill her own clan.

Byul is just doing what her father said. Its also because she wanted to know something about her past. If she killed many vampires maybe the superior get disturbed and talk to her. It will be easy for her to find the vampire that gave her the blood.

By the time she find out who is that vampire is she is hoping to redeem all of her lost memories .

Am I going to kill them too ? Byul still doesnt know what is the answer to it . Maybe yes. Maybe no.