1. Meeting Him

CopyRight @2020

Please no part of this book should be copied. This is the story I made and worked hard on. So please none of that.


Author's Note

This book is a series. This is the first book. The characters names for each series are-:

1.) Billionaire's Heart- Christian and Esther

2.) Billionaire's Wife- Luca and Destiny

3.) Billionaire Baby- Jonas and Gabby

4.) Billionaire's Trouble- Ricardo and Chanel

Once all of these are published, if new to the series, you have a choice to read out of order or read in order. It is better to read in order so you would know each character



It is another stressful day for me at work. I worked a double at the Bakery store across from my apartment.

My name is Esther Kingston. I am a 22-year-old college drop out. My parents disowned me when I chose to continue bakery business instead of becoming a lawyer.

I have been living alone for almost 2 years. I am hoping I could build my own bakery business very soon. I know I am no where close but I am still pushing my way through.

As I enter my apartment, I walked over to the couch and plopped myself on there. My body was aching me. As I dozed of to sleep, I hear a loud knock at my door.

Must be the landlord. I still haven't paid my rent.

I got up from the couch and walked sluggishly to the door. I opened the door and I was correct. Mr. Baldwin. He was ever so mean. He had an angry look on his face.

"When are you going to pay your rent?! It has been almost 3 months!" He yelled at me. I have been struggling all this time; I didn't want to use the money I made for rent but to save up.

"Look please give me more time. I would pay." I pleaded. He shakes his head. "I give you a week. After that, I need you out of here!" He barks at me before leaving. I sigh as I closed the door.

I walked back to my empty couch and sat down. How I wish I had help. I dozed off after thinking that thought.


I sprang up as my alarm clock rang. I turned off the alarm and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took my bath. I wear my clothes for work.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Don't worry, you're almost there. I thought to myself. I stepped out of apartment and locked it. No change in my pocket so I walked across the street as usual.

As I entered the bakery, my best friend, Janice comes over to give me a hug. "Hey bestie!" She squeals. I smile. Janice and I have known each for a couple of years now.

"Hey." I say as I went to clock in. We both went to our position. Luckily today, we were in the same position. "So how are you doing?" She asks with a concerned look on her face.

I sigh and shake my head. "Am okay. Just struggling with my rent and bills. Am just trying to save up you know."

"Less chit chatting and more baking." Our boss, Diane says as she walks by. "We would be having a visitor coming in to check up on us today."

Janice and I look at each other. Ever since I started working here, there was always some type of billionaire always coming in to grant our store money on how our environment looks like.

Everyone starts preparing for the arrival of the billionaire. Janice smiles right next to me and says, "I wonder how this billionaire would look like."

"Rich and have lots of money." I say under my breath. I continue making the dough for the bread and concentrating on my work.

Diane claps her hands and says, "He is here so everyone be on your best behavior and continue to behave like a team. Understood?!"

"Yes!" We all say in unity. While the bread was baking in the oven, Janice and I watch from the corner to see how the billionaire would look like.

"Why do we need to know how he looks like?" I ask Janice. "I know how he looks like. He is the famous Christian Romano. He is a billionaire from Italy." She squeals. I roll my eyes. "Well I don't know him." She pulls my arm as a tall man with dark curly hair and an attractive look walks in.

"Woah." I say to myself. Diane calls everyone together and says, "This is Christian Romano. Many of you know him. He would be talking to each one of you about why you work here. So please no misbehaving."

Diane called up the first person to talk to Christian. I wonder what he is going to ask. I continued baking  the dough as I was waiting for my turn. It was Janice's turn. She was so excited.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After some time, it was finally my turn. I washed my hands and got myself together. As I walk up to him, I could smell his cologne. He was sitting there and could know that he was tall.

I took a sit and smiled at him. He returned the smile. Wow pearly white teeth. He cleared his throat and started the interview.

"So why are you working at Diane's Bakery?" He asked in a deep voice. I sigh and answer, "I want to have my own bakery store. After been disowned by my parents, that's what I have been working on all these time."

He looks at me for a little while. Did I say something wrong? I wondered to myself. "How are you doing financially?" He asked.

I thought about it for a second and answered, "Well I am saving money for bakery business but not enough to pay my rent."

He nods his head. "That's enough. You could go ahead." He says with a smile. I thank him and walk back to my position. He didn't interview anybody else after me.

"So what did he ask you?" Janice asked right next to me. "He was just asking how am I doing financially and the reason why I am working here." I answered her.

We continued doing our job. Christian stayed throughout the whole time. He was checking up on us. Well me. He kept asking if I was okay.

After a long day at work, I packed up my stuff and was about to leave when Christian stopped me.

"I am sorry for disturbing you but may I have a moment?" He asked. "Sorry but I need to leave." I tell him. I begin to leave but he pulls me back.

I look at him and roll my eyes. "One moment please." He tells me.

I sigh and say, "Okay but could you make it fast?" I was getting annoyed. He nods his head says, "May we sit?"

"Yes." We both sat down on the chairs outside of the bakery. He takes a deep breath and says, "I believe we can help each other." I look at him weirdly and ask, "In what way?"

He takes a deep breath and says, "I could help you financially and you could help me in my love life." I sigh in frustration and ask, "Is this what you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes. I believe we both could benefit from it." He says as he leans in his chair. I sigh and say, "Listen, Mr. Romano I work hard for what I want. I do not need a rich billionaire to help me."

He sighs and says, "Esther..." He was about to start up but I cut him off by asking, "What race are you?"

He frowns and answers, "Italian why?" I fake smile and say, "Well I am black. What would you tell your family when they see me? Did you think of that?" I roll my eyes as I say that.

His face was in complete shock. I stood up and say, "It was nice talking to you but I cannot accept that offer. Goodnight." I walk across the street to my apartment building.

When I get upstairs, I drop my things and crash on the couch. I fell asleep knowing what I said and did what correct.


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