Calm before the storm

They tried to do their tasks as they normally did. They played games, did their chores, learn how to read from their loving big sister that had learned from their big brother that had bought books from the town down the mountain. Doing theses things helped in lessening the feeling of the empty gap in their house.

This is the Kamado residence and everyone from the youngest brother to their mother had a the feeling of emptiness. As if the Sun had been taken away and had felt the earth in eternal darkness. When the sun would set all of the Kamado's would sit at the parchment waiting for their illumines sun to arrive like he always did to bring warm gift. But he didn't.

It had been at least 2 mouths since their oldest brother had taken the black nichirin blade, or that is what he called as to them it was just a katana coloured black. And the strange thing that they all questioned was where did he learn that the sword is a nichirin blade. The Kamado family is not a wealthy one and is in fact poor, as their main source of income is coal selling. So because of this Tanjiro and his siblings did not attend school, but instead had to be self taught as they bought books to help them read. Though in none of the books were there any mention of a nichirin blade.

The blade looks like a katana but instead of the blade be gray, instead it was as black as a starless night. The hilt looked to be wrapped in a yellow piece of leather and the hilt had a yellow rim and the rest being black. But to add to the mystery Tanjiro had started to using the nichirin. In the Hinokami Kagura dance. During this dance, the dancer must continue to preform the ritual through sun rise till sun set. While he used the blade there was one thing that happened to the blade that made everyone say 'Nani'. The blade turned from black to crimson blood red, but as soon as he stopped he blade would turn back to black.

The dance only happens once a year and that time was approaching fast. All of them had watched as Tanjiro did the dance, but none of them knew how to do the dance. Nezuko the oldest daughter in the Kamado house hold tried to do the dance but found that she didn't know the dance either. But really none of them cared about the dance, even if it is to ward away any misfortune. All they cared about was their brother.

Nezuku was putting the last of the coals in the massive basket. She breathed in and then out as she knew what was going to come next. She bent down and moved her body to put on the straps. She inhaled one big breath and then used every ounce of her strength to lift the basket. As she lifted it vanes all over her body showed as blood rushes through her body to provide extra strength to lift. Eventually she got the basket securely on her back. She wiped of some of the sweat off her forehead.

"How does Onii-chan do this everyday?" She said as she was already feeling slight exhaustion. She started to go down the mountain.

"Nezuko." Her mother said from their house. Their mother was carrying their youngest brother that is a baby.

"Yes mom." Nezuko said as she turned to look at her mother.

"Thank you." The Kamado family is what most consider a poor family and in poor families everyone is expected to help gather money to help everyone survive. But their mother believes that only the adults should be working in order to let the kids have a normal childhood. While that is what she thinks and want to happen, her children had gotten the stubbornness of their father as they insisted that they do and really she is a sucker when it comes to her children's puppy dog eyes. But as she sees her children work their hearts out and asking nothing in return, she couldn't help but thank whatever God is out there for the children she is blessed with.

"Your welcome." Nezuko said as she knew the meaning behind those words.

She continued to walk down the snow infested woods. The snow was at here knew length, but she didn't let it stop her as she knew that if couldn't sell the coal then they wouldn't have any money. As she was walking down the mountain she heard the sound of something breaking. She turned around to see... nothing. All that was there was the vast endless trees. After a few second she ignored the sound of breaking and continued to move down.


"That was close."

While the girl may have thought that it was an animal, she wasn't entirely wrong as this creature had a primal extinct to feed on humans. This creature had just arrived to the mountain and already it had nearly failed it's mission.

It's mission is to create more of its kind by going to isolated families and then give them the blood of their lord. And his kind only had one being that they would always bow to. While they could not say his name they all knew it. This lord being Muzan Kibutsuji.

This creature is about the same size as a normal human, but it had pale skin and sharp fangs. This creature is believed to be a myth and so most people wouldn't believe some that said that they say them. This creature is a Demon. And it was heading up to the mountain to convert all of the Kamados into demons.

But that was almost foiled as a girl no older than 12. She is a petite young girl with fair skin that had a cute face and had long hair. Though he could see the girl's face, he did see what she was wearing. If he could, he would have killed the girl on sight, but she was to close to a house near the bottom of the mountain.

He looked past the tree to see the girl talking to a man that lived inside the house. As he saw them seperate and head back to what ever they were doing, he instantly shot towards the top of the mountain. He was the fastest creature on the mountain, as compared to a human he was like a wolf and this wolf had a pray.

After a few minutes of travelling up the mountain he had finally made it. He hide behind a few trees and a few dozen meters away from the house or hut. Due to him being a demon, his senses were enhanced so he could see way further away with perfect clarity. He could see five living and breathing souls, all perfectly healthy and all ripe for converting. But the problem is that he only had one vial of the creators blood and it contained a mere drop of the substance.

So he had to choose between the five on who gets this glorious gift that their creature had bestowed upon them. He needed someone that would be loyal, as it was one of the requirements that the lord had asked of them. The mother is not a suitable candidate, as she would hold a grudge about killing her children and really he just wanted something that had meat in it to eat. The kids were playing around and really there was no defining quality to them. So that only left the baby. It made perfect logic, as converting the baby would mean that it would not recall any memory of its family and would be acceptable to indoctrination. It was just so perfect, he would get to see the converting and get to have a feast with the other family members.

With its mind set he quickly moved towards the family members. Though as he stepped forward he heard another snap of a twig, but he ignored it as he believed he had stepped on another twig.


The sun was going down and it is absolutely beautiful. To see the sun some how make the sky orange is absolutely stunning. But a little girl didn't care about it right now as she was, no, is exhausted. Nezuko once thought that doing Tanjiro's job would be easy, but in the first few days she was horrifyingly wrong as her back started to hurt when she carried the basket. Nezuko may have been doing this for about all of the two mouths her big brother had been gone, but that didn't mean her body would adapt to the heavy load and having to go across the entire town to sell the coal. So Nezuko was so happy to think that this day would be over and she would be allowed to rest.

But fate seemed to have a different idea of what she needs. "Nezuko!" An elderly man that lived in a house at the bottom of the mountain called, while waving for Nezuko to come closer.

"Hello, Mr Saburo. What do you need." Nezuko said with a smile, even though she was tired and wanted to lay down, that didn't mean she couldn't show some kindness to people. Though this person need kindness more than anyone she could think of as he was once a happy man with a family of his own. That was until they had died from what he says they died from demons.

"Are you going up the mountain." He said with a serous face as he looked concerned.

"Of course, I need to get home." Nezuko said as she couldn't help but think of sleeping with her family. After all, she loves sleeping.

"How about you stay here for the night, it is starting go dark and it is a long way up the mountain." Saburo said trying to convince Nezuko to stay the night here as fear could be heard in his voice.

Nezuko wanted to respond, but she was too slow as the old man spoke again. Normally she wouldn't go into another person's home as she felt rude as she was an intruder, though that changed when his face showed no emotion and said, "Please don't argue and just get in, before the demons come."

After that she went inside the house and had a small meal with him. She latter found out that while he believed in demon, he also beloved in people that hunted and killed these demon. He called them 'Demon slayers.' After their conversation they went to sleep. But Nezuko couldn't help but think that this old man was alone in the darkness, so she thought that she would bring her family down to have a meal with him.

Once it was morning she thanked Saburo and then continued to scale the mountain. She couldn't wait to tell her family about the idea she had. But fate would turn her priorities upside down as a piercing scream was heard. Then another came and Nezuko dropped the basket and ran towards her family.

When Nezuko heard the scream she immediately thought that her family was in danger, because why else would someone scream. She ran for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes as she sprinted up the mountain. Soon she saw her home and what she saw also made her scream.


Yesterday with the demon

The demon rushed towards the house and ignored the snapping of a twig, but soon the demon would regret ignoring the snap as the next sound made him regret everything.

The sound of a sword being drawn was a sound that meant certain death demons. Before he could even turn his head to look at the sword his head was cut clean off of his head. But as his head rolled helplessly on the ground he saw the person. He saw a girl! A girl with black hair and emotionless illicit eyes stare at him as he disappeared to ash. She wore her thin black hair into a ponytail on the right side of her head and fastened by a pink and green butterfly ornament. She also had a slightly purple-tinted version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, just with a knee-length pleated skirt in place of the usual hakama pants. Over this, she wears a short white cloak, fastened on one side by a dark pink triple knot, also sporting knee-high lace-up white boots with tan soles, heels and toes.

The reason why he was memorising her was because they were ordered to memorise the demon slayers looks and style of fighting if they were defeated in combat. This was because if they remembered that in their last moments their master would be able to remember it as well and so he could better coordinate his efforts. But with that out of the way he was now just starring at her with hatred, but then something caught his attention. Behind the girl was a figure covered in red garments. He didn't see this person and using his enhanced vision he someone that caused a memory that wasn't his to flash before his eyes and as he died he was filled with fear.

The demon was dead and the girl continued to stare at the ground on where the demon's head was. The reason why she looked at that spot was because she saw the demon looking in a way she thought was not possible, instead of looking at her with hateful eyes she saw absolute fear.

"Hello." A voice said behind her, causing her to turn her body around fast enough to cause some of the snow to fly if the ground. She looked at the person and stared at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that someone had been able to snuck up behind her and yet someone had. The voice had obviously been an boy and seeing him now only confirmed it. But really she was more shocked that she had found the this boy that she had been tasked with finding.

A meeting was held by the hashira to keep a lookout for him and she was picked by her older sister to directly search for him as the pillars were now busy with the increase of demon activity. She expected the mission to take awhile like a year or so, yet here he was standing right in front of her and she didn't know what to say. With the expectation of the mission lasting a year she had not come up with a anything to say to him and to make it worse she hardly had any experience talking to people.

Tanjiro had said hello to the girl with a bright smile, but now he was getting nervous as she just stared at him wide eyed. So he tried to defuse the awkward situation. "Um, are you okey."

She was not prepared for this to happen so early so she did what she knew would. Tanjiro waited for a reply and he received a reply, by the girl going into her pocket and flipping something in the air. As the object reached its maximum high he saw what the object is, a coin. He was confused as to why she would do this but did not say anything as the coin came crashing down to her hand and as she caught it, she flipped it onto her other hand to reveal a the coins side that said heads. Again Tanjiro was confused as to why the coin said heads but that thought would be cast aside as he heard her speak.

"The Demon slayer Corp ask that you come to the headquarters of our organisation." Tanjiro had to admit that her voice is sweet to hear, but it sounded emotionless. But what also felt wrong was her smell. She exhibited no emotion, but not because she wanted to, more like it smelled as if she just couldn't.

"Okey I'll go." Tanjiro said. He wanted to say more but the girl started to walk away.

"Hey." Tanjiro shouted as he grabbed her clothes. She turned around to looked at him with a questioning look.

Tanjiro let go of her and then rubbed the back of his head and said "ah, where is your headquarters."

"Follow me." She said instantly not even giving Tanjiro the chance to table again. He grabbed her again to stop her to ask her more questions.

"Before we go, how long did it take you to get here." Tanjiro asked

"A month." She said with the same emotionless voice she kept using.

Tanjiro was shocked that she traveled all this way by foot just to get him, but he almost had a heart attack because the 'Hinokami Kagura ritual' was tomorrow. So he said "um would it be okey if we go in two days time?"

He said this in a bright smile and for some reason she felt something pull on her heart. It felt weird because this was an unknown feeling and she hadn't felt any feelings in years so she didn't know how to react. Again she flipped her coin and instead it landing on the side she wanted it landed on the side that favoured him.

"In two days time we leave." She said as she started to move towards the house and Tanjiro soon followed.


Present time

Nezuko screamed at the site before her. She saw her beloved big brother chasing their siblings. There he was, that crimson hair and eyes that cared so much about others. To see her big brother back caused her to scream in joy and that scream grabbed the attention of all the others. Tanjiro stopped chasing their siblings and looked at Nezuko. He then said "Welcome back Nezuko."

He said that with the smile so bright that even the sun is enviously how bright Tanjiro is compared to it. Nezuko ran towards Tanjiro with arms wide open, as if ready to hug her brother, and screamed her big brothers name, "Tanjiro!"

Tanjiro opened his arms wide as he stood still and waited to receive a hug. But as she got closer he saw her happy smile turn to one of anger. He was confused as to what was going on, that is until she got close enough to Tanjiro to stop and reel back her leg. He suddenly knew what her intentions were and tried to defend himself. But to his dismay he had started to late as her leg had slammed right into his testicles. His eyes rolled back into his head and fell to his knees while grabbing onto his balls. In the Kamado household everyone knew that Tanjiro has a skull made of steel, that could break even boulders. While Nezuko may not have the skull of steel she had something else. Legs of steel.

Tanjiro was now laying on his side as he held his balls. He didn't understand why he had been attacked, but that would soon be answered.

"Two months!! You were gone for two months and you said one! You said that you would be back in one month!! I had to carry that coal pack for two months and I could get my day light sleeping in, you know how much I love to sleep!!!" Nezuko loved to sleep as it was her favourite hobby and Tanjiro knew that. While he may have said that he would be gone for a month he did not tell them that he was going off to fight demons. So without that context, she couldn't have understood how much pain he was in while walking back home. Tanjiro may know the breath of the sun but his kind heartedness was hindrance.

When he reached the mountain of his location to draw in Muzan there had been a demon there and he would hold back and ask the demon to join him after he had defeated the demon. But as he showed mercy to the demon, the demon had attacked Tanjiro again fracturing a rib. But that wasn't all. During his time there more demons shoes up and each time he would be harmed after offering them peace. So if Muzan hadn't run away Tanjiro would have died.

But even with all the pain Tanjiro could not find it in himself to blame his sister. So he got into a kneeling stance and was going to say an apology. Though it would seem Nezuko had something else in mind as she kneeled down and hugged her big brother.

"But when you hadn't arrived in a month we feared that you had died. While we believed that you were alive, the looming Idea that you had died frightened us." Nezuko had said it in the most sorrow toned voice he had heard from her and couldn't help but say "sorry."

Soon everyone joined in, their little siblings all tried to huddle over their older siblings. It was a nice moment as the sun was high in the sky, shine it's holy light upon them and seeing the snow reflect the light back up.

But that moment would be ruined when their mother came out with a wicked smile and said, "While I do love that you are back dear, I can not help but notice that you had brought a girl along and a really pretty one."

Immediately Tanjiro started to sweat as while he could feel a dark presence resonating from his mother, he could now feel two. He knew who it was coming from and tried to let go of Nezuko, but she grabbed onto him with a strong grip. Tanjiro looked at his beloved and kind sister as she stood up with a demonic grin and upon see it he couldn't help but pray to the fire god and soon started to pray for his Master to save him.

"So... while I was back here working my butt off, instead of sleeping. You were with a girl doing who knows what. Am I right?" Tanjiro could help but beg for mercy. Sadly he didn't receive any as his sister and mother strangled him for information on the girl that was currently sleeping as if she had not had a sleep in days. While he kept on saying he had just met her yesterday they unfortunately did not believe him and his interrogation would last a few hours. As that was happening the kids just kept playing as they enjoyed the free time they now had away from studying books.


At Sunset on the same day:

She hadn't slept in three days as she had been trying to find the boy as quickly as possible, as she believed that it would take a very long time to find him. While she would not complain about the lack of sleep she had been putting herself in, she could not help but enjoy the feeling of sleeping in. Usually she would be up on time to do her choirs, though with no duties to do and the logic on sleeping in to regain strength seemed too compelling.

That is until she heard the sound of bells ringing. Normally bells would not bother her, but they were constantly being used and so curiosity got the better of her. She got up from her futon bed, immediately as she looked around her she saw the children of the Kamado family sleeping. But there was something missing or more like someone missing. Further inspection showed that it was two people. Unbeknownst to her there are actually three people that are actually missing.

Soon her thoughts were interrupted by the chime of the bells. She moved out of the small house and onto the cold open world. The darkness engulfed the world as not even the moon was in the sky and the stars did little to illuminate the earth. But amid the darkness light shined. This light did not come from the sky, but instead came from the shadows of the forest. Then she heard it again, the sound of bells singing seemed to be coming from the same place that the light was. Just like an insect drawn into the light, so was she as her feet stepped ever closer to the flames.

Soon she saw what was making the light and to most people they would see a man dancing around in a circle surrounded by sticks that are standing up with flames burning on them and a boy dressed in ceremonial garments. But to her, she could see what it truly was. From a young age she was gifted with perfect sight, so perfect she could see the unseen, and when she looked at Tanjiro's movements she could see only one thing. It was a breath style. And it was a breath style that she had not seen before and while he used this breath style it seemed as though it was producing incredible amounts of heat, this is evident as the ground below her is not covered in snow and she was meters away.

"Hey over here." A voice said in a very quiet tone, trying to whisper while also yelling at her. She turned to the detection of the voice to see that it belonged to another girl that she had not seen before standing next to the Tanjiro's mother, she also noticed that they looked similar to one another. But none the less the girl seemed harmless as she moved towards this new girl.

"Hello, I'm Nezuko Kamado, what's your?" Nezuko said in a whisper, while also stretching a hand to her.

Even though she did not understand most bodily gestures, she did know this one and garbed the young girl's hand and shook it.

"Kanao Tsuyuri." She said with the same empty voice as usual. But her attention was soon grabbed by the performance of her objective. To her it was absolutely phenomenal as the it seemed that breath style was the combination of all the other styles and it seemed flawless. Her change in attention was not unnoticed by the other two observers.

"The Hinokami Kagura is a ritual that is passed down throughout our family and is preformed once a year to ward away miss fortune and is preformed by the oldest." The mother said with a kind voice that caught Kanao's attention.

"Then why are you not doing it." Kanao said it instantly without thinking of if it was polite of mean to say, she was just curious on why Tanjiro was doing this and not her.

Though Kanao had only seen Tanjiro do dance, she had come to the assumption that they all knew it and was able to be taught to others. But what she had not understood was that what Tanjiro was doing is harder than one would believe. "Our father only fought Tanjiro on the dance and the breath style that would be needed to preform the dance for the whole night." This time Nezuko said in a tone that showed that she was defending we mother.

Kanao was slightly shocked that this dance would have to be preformed for the whole night and if she was to believe the girl, Tanjiro would be using a breathing technique like the demon slayers to preform for a whole night. Kanao knew something similar to this called total concentration breathing, this technique was used specifically by the hashira and she was just starting to learn the technique. She looked at Tanjiro astonishing that this boy had seemed to already be ahead of her in some aspect. But her thought were cut off when Nezuko got in front of her.

"I hardly know who you are and I don't know how long you have known my brother, but what I do want to know is why you are with my brother." Kanao did not know how to respond to this question as the demon slayer Corp was not a well know organisation and so she didn't know if she should say anything or tell her something. So she flipped her trusty coin. And just like that she was force to talk again.

"I was sent here to retrieve your brother by my... superiors, because your brother did something that interested them." She still said it in her nonchalant way and it made them worry about what Tanjiro did while he was gone.

The two Kamados would try to get information out of Kanao about what Tanjiro did or about the organisation she works for. Unfortunately for both questions Kanao would flip a coin and then not reply or simply saw she did not know. This continued for awhile until the Kamados got tired and retired back to their house. Except for Tanjiro and Kanao.

Tanjiro had the ritual to finish and Kanao had jus woken up, so she had a lot of energy to spare. That energy was spent watching Tanjiro preform the dance. But the further she looked the more she saw this dance as a weapon, because of Tanjiro were to have a sword and fight an opponent, they would be dead before they saw him move the blade. While he was conserving energy there would be some parts where he would bolt into extreme speeds. She was also able to see twelve forms being used during the dance. But what she learned most out of that was a knew feeling when she saw Tanjiro move so fluidly as his clothes waved around in the wind, how the flames would interact with the way he moved, and the way every move he made generated heat that warmed up the place.

Unbeknownst to her, she started feeling sleepy soon slept on the very ground she was standing on.


The next day Tanjiro and Kanao were just sleeping in again to prepare for the long journey ahead and much to Nezuko's dismay she would have to still do the chore on walking down the mountain and not be able to complain as Tanjiro had just done the Hinokami Kagura and therefore needed rest. To the saddened Kamado family the next day Tanjiro and Kanao left to the demon slayer headquarters, but not without a farewell. The Kamados were all crying and hugging and more crying as Tanjiro had just arrived and would be leaving again. But even then Tanjiro still left as he knew that maybe with the help of the organisation he could track down Muzan.

After they were a few kilometres away Tanjiro said, "so what will I expect from the Demon slayer Corp."

Kanao simply said she didn't know and that would be for most of her response to Tanjiro's questions. But there was one thing that caught his attention while travelling with her and it was the coin. So after three hours of constant running he asked "why do you flip a coin?"

"To make decisions for me." She said immediately. Tanjiro didn't know what that meant but what he did know was that she had done it multiple times to their conversations, he also remembered that she did the same thing to his question about when they should leave.

"So, when we first met I asked if we could leave in two days and you flipped the coin to decide something and it landed on heads which made you agree to my suggestion right." Immediately she nodded her head while still running with not a care about the conversation.

"So what were you going to do if it landed on tails." He as with pure curiosity at the anomaly running beside him.

"If it landed on tails, I would have attacked you with the intent of knocking you unconscious and then dragging you back to HQ." That response was not something Tanjiro expected, he thought that she would try to convince him to go, not attack him. Tanjiro was so distracted by the response that he had just received and did not notice the a root from a tree near the dirt road that was sticking out of the ground. Soon Tanjiro's face would have a warm welcome to the ground.

(If you didn't notice, I only put this scene here so I could have Tanjiro trip, :) )


You still here?

Fine, here is another bonus clip. This is for you Vojtkblaek.


Kyoto: Demon slayer Corp HQ: Months before the current time:

"Thank you my children for coming here at such a short time." A man in his early twenties and has a pink burn-like scar that encompasses his forehead all the way to his eyes. His eyes as white as the clouds, but even without his eyes he could still see the 9 brave men and women kneeling a few feet away from him. These warriors that fought to protect the human kind from the demons bowed to a blind man.

"We are honoured to be see you again Sensei, but what are we doing here." A tall, muscular man with spiky white hair and large eyes. His face and body are covered with scars. Wearing a green version of demon slayer Uniform, he also had his shirt undone so everyone could see his chest. This is the wind pillar Sanemi Shinazugawa.

"I have summoned you here to ask of you to search for a young man that has red hair and red eyes, he was also seen to wear a red haori over an orange kimono with black hakama, a nichirin blade carried at the waist and he also has hanafuda earrings. Also-" before he could finish his description of the young man the same man that had spoken earlier had now stood up. While he did not show his anger it was obvious.

"What is wrong Sanemi." The blind man said as he was confused as to why  Sanemi was angered or more precise, is mad.

"You didn't receive my message." Sanemi was visible shaking and the other hashira could see his eyes dilate.

"We have not received any message from you." Upon saying that another hashira had stood up.

"Then I would have to assume you have not received my letters as well." A young adult of tall stature with bright yellow hair with red streaks, black forked eyebrows, and golden eyes. He also wore the uniform, but he had a white-yellow gradient pattern and red flame-like ridges at the end. This is the flame pillar Kyojuro Rengoku.

"Sadly no, but now that you are here why don't you tell us what was in the letters." The leader said with a calm expression, but inside he was troubled by the fact that the two hashiras had sent letters to HQ and none of them have been received. This on itself is troubling. Immediately the wind pillar stepped forward.

"A few weeks ago, a village in my section of japan disappears. The village was small with around forty people that lived in the village. But it was later reported that the village had been attacked by demons. So I went to investigate, but when I arrived there was nothing. Not that there was no clues for me to find, no, there was nothing at all. There was no building, no crops, nothing. It was as if there was no village there. But I know that there was a village there, because I had once traveled through there. A few days later I arrived at another village and there had been strange sightings of creatures in the forest. I went to investigate and found ten demons. They weren't fighting but instead talking to each other, I was able to hear one of them say something about attacking the village. I attack and killed them all. I was not able to retrieve anything from them, but I assumed that there could be more out there so I sent a letter by crow to HQ." Sanemi then stepped back and kneeled. Upon hearing this everyone was contemplating on what this meant. Little did they know they all came up with the same conclusion. The demons were now mobilising. For what ever reason the demons were now forming an army. The reason for this conclusion is because demons do not work together, all demons hate one another because that is how Muzan made it. Hearing that not two, not three, but instead ten demons were working together and planning to attack a village meant that Muzan was re arranging his demon army into an organised demon military. If this was true then that would either mean Muzan is about to attack the demon slayers as a whole, or something else entirely. There thoughts were cut short when leader, the blind man also known as Oyakata to his subordinates spoke.

"How about you, Kyojuro." The flame hashira still had that massive grin on his face, but that is just who he is, a man that will smile even when death is at his door. He stepped forward and delivered his report.

"My experience was the same, but two villages in my sector had disappeared. The number of demons I encountered was twice numbers of what Sanemi had fought. I would have been overwhelmed by their numbers, but when I assaulted them one of them said 'the bright one has come.' After that they ran before they realised that I was not the 'bright one', but it was to late for them as I had already taken down their numbers enough to make it a even fight." Now instead of being in shock of the news, they were no curious as to why the demons had feared this 'bright one.' But Sanemi didn't care and stood back up and stated.

"Now you understand the situation. The demons are now on the offensive and are gathering and multiplying their numbers. We must now prepare for the war ahead." Sanemi said.

"It is sad to hear that people have died we must return and be more vigilant." The man the size of a boulder said with a tone of sadness.

"I will return to my sector and prepare the most flamboyant defence."

Everyone agreed with the fact that they had to return and setup a way on defending themselves from this new organised demon army, but it would seem that their leader had something else in mind.

"I agree that we must deal with a new way in eliminating demons and protecting the civilians." This caused everyone to nod there head in agreement with the statement.

"But I still need someone with the levels of a Hashira to collect the boy." None of them understood why is this boy so important that they would need to send a pillar to get them. And Sanemi openly express his concerns as he stood up and once again spoke.

"What is so important about this kid! If he is a kid then what use would he be to use! Most importantly if we did bring him here we would have to train him! That time could be used in setting up a system to fight back against the demons!" He just couldn't understand why one kid would be more important than there war against the demons.

"That is where you are wrong." Oyakata said with a smile on his face as the pillars were actually surprise that there leader was stating that one kid is more important than their war.

"While you are right about time being important in our effort to combat the demons, this kid could very well change the entire course of this war to our favour." If he could see he would be smiling with a grin that would stretch all the way to the moon, as the Hashiras were completely shocked by that statement. He had once called the Hashira the blade that would end the demons scourge, but if they were to take what he had just said to face value than that would mean that this kid is apparently stronger than all of the Hashiras.

"W-what do-" Sanemi wanted to say something, but Oyakata was enjoying the amount of shock and confusion he was causing the Hashiras.

"What do I mean. In the entire course of the demon slayer Corp no one has seen Muzan in centuries. Except the first breath user Yoriichi Tsugikuni. He was able to mortally wound Muzan and would have killed him if he had not ran away. And it would seem history has repeated itself. A few months ago it was stated by our crows that this very kid has confronted Muzan." This absolutely enthralled the Hashira as none of them had ever come close to him and now they are hearing that someone had actually confronted him. They thought that they would hear about how this kid was able to escape Muzan by running away and they are now being sent to fetch the kid because he had information of Muzan. But soon they would have their entire world flipped upside down.

"Not only did this kid confront Muzan but he had the Demon lord on the run and would have killed Muzan if he had not escaped through, what could only be described as a magical door that appeared and disappeared out of nowhere." And so that is how the Hashira had their world complete destroyed in knowing that some kid had not only confronted Muzan but had him on the run. If this was true than would that mean that the demon army that was being organised a direct response to this kids attack on Muzan. Is this army being mobilised to kill a single kid?

"This is why I need someone with Hashira like ability to bring the kid, Tanjiro Kamado, here." And with that there was absolute silence as they had to fully come to term that a kid had done something that none of them even had a chance. And the most enthusiastic of them immediately stepped forward.

"I, Kyojuro Rengoku, will gladly take the task in-" he was so excited to go and meet this absolutely AMAZING kid, but as the saying goes, where there is light, darkness is soon to follow.

Suddenly 8 crows came down and hovered around the area and spoke without a care in the world if anyone outside the Demon slayer Corp could hear them. "4 demon slayers have fallen in Hokkaido."

"10 demon slayer have fallen in the region of Kanto."

"8 demon slayers and two villages have fallen in Tohoku."

"5 demon slayers have perished in Chugoku."

"7 demon slayers have died in Kinki."

"2 demon slayers and 3 villages have disappeared in Chubu."

"1 demon slayer and 5 isolated villages in Shikoku."

"12 demon slayers have died in Kyushu-Okinawa."

Immediately the Hashira got into motion, all of them starting to leave, but Oyakata had told them to stop and let them organise a proper response against the demons. one of the Hashira stepped forward towards Oyakata. The demon slayer had black hair with purple tips that were held by a butterfly pin, she also wore a demon slayer uniform and wears a white haori with butterfly wing patterns. "Oyakata-sama, let me send my sister, Kanao. She is a highly capable warrior even at the age of 14. She is already starting her training of total concentration."

"Inform one of the staff to give her the mission and return here. We have a war to settle."


(Done, I am not a fast writer and not a good one at that, so I am sorry if there are any grammatical errors. Funny thing is, I actually didn't have any idea on where to go with this story as I had just got this Idea of my take on the beginning on the demon slayer. So really this story was meant to be a one time thing. Well I guess I don't have to tell you how that went. So do not expect there to be an update anytime soon. Till next time.)

Why are you still here, it is over F**k off

Leave my alone, go read another fanfiction

Do not read any further

Damn it, fine I wanted to save this for the next chapter, but why not.


One month after Tanjiro left.

There was no sun in the sky and no moon either instead stars dominated the sky. Small stars scattered across the sky and a bright blue hue covered them. In the city where the light is always on they can only see the brightest of stars, but out here in the darkness where man kind has barely touched, one could clearly see the true beauty of space and no one loved it more than Nezuko.

Nezuko loves to sleep when ever she can so when sleeps in the day and wakes up in the night everyone is asleep and the stars and moon come out to play. She absolutely loves watching how the colours of the Milky Way shines upon their little planet they called "Earth."

Nezuko would have stared at the stars for hours, but something caught her eye or more like someone. From a distance it looked like Tanjiro as he had a long and spiky, red hair that he kept in a ponytail. She was filled with excitement as this time she would be the first one to greet their older brother back home.

But then she saw it. This creature was not Tanjiro. This monster was way taller than she is, with long and spiky, black hair that he kept in a ponytail. It wore a purple-and-black-patterned kimono and black hakama pants tied with a white cloth. He carried a sword at his waist that had eyes in the space between the tsuka wrapping of the handle of his sword.

But the most horrifying thing was that it had six eyes, three eyes at its left and right side of its face. She wanted to scream and run away but her body was completely frozen in fear as the monster had been a few meters away and then suddenly appear right in front of her. It stared at her with all six of its eyes and gave Nezuko a clear vision of the eyes and what was on them, UPPER RANK 1.

"You will do perfectly." With those words said he grabbed a vail in his clothes and in it was blood.