Unwavering Determination

During the tournament’s first week Hui Yue was assigned three matches. Although he participated in those three matches, only the first fight required any effort. The following two matches consisted of forfeiting students.

Hui Yue should’ve been happy that he was saving his qi for more daunting opponents. Frankly, he felt bored. He had strengthened himself to battle for his advancement within the finals, but the first week seemed incredibly anticlimactic in comparison to his expectations.

Upon reflection of the first week, Hui Yue felt as if it had rushed by with no significant events. Concerning Ma Kong’s leg, it was impossible to tell it had been broken a few days ago. A healing of this magnitude caused Hui Yue to question whether or not the injury had even happened in the first place.

During these days, Hui Yue was enlightened about the different elemental affinities. Previously, he hadn’t thought about it much. The only use he knew of for wood affinity was that it could be mixed with fire to create medicinal pills.

Upon seeing Ma Kong’s leg’s healing, Hui Yue finally understood that these elemental affinities had unlimited possibilities in the way in which they could be used. Knowing this caused him to train relentlessly; his next goal aimed at the middle dantian and to get the wood elemental affinity.

Slowly one day became another. Every other day was a rest day with no tournament matches. The majority of students and adults entertained themselves at the stalls which had been erected on the academy grounds. Of course, some students remained solely focused on training.

Hui Yue continued as one of those students who spent his days in training. He maintained as before; fortifying his organs, practicing the sword from Transforming Weapons and practicing his Wushu. Additionally, he refined as much essence as he could while still keeping the quality as pure as his current qi.

Every time Hui Yue closed his eyes, a smile appeared on his face as he remembered how strong Wang Ju Long had gotten. Anticipation burned within! He desired to fight him as soon as possible; however, he was aware that Wang Ju Long was likely to have the advantage.

Yes, Hui Yue had the Qi Guard as a defense, and now that he had Transforming Weapons, he should be able to put up a fight against much stronger opponents. Wang Ju Long had the Qi Lightning. Since it had evolved, it now worked as both an attack skill and defensive skill. It was indeed worthy of being called a high-ranked skill.

Rong Ming was getting help from Rong Xing as they trained together. Deng Wu did everything in his power to spend time with the love of his life, Rong Xing. Unfortunately, she was not interested in spending time with him. So, instead, he went to Hui Yue’s courtyard where he helped with sparring while complaining about his luck with Rong Xing.

Gao Yan was the only one of his friends still participating in the tournament who did not spend his time on training. This non-training was not because Gao Yan did not want to improve his cultivation base, but rather because the tournament was the best opportunity for him to earn money.

Gao Yan and his commoner followers were selling information on the various participants. This information had been gathered by the commoners and included in small leaflets.

These informational leaflets were sold to other students and to the guests who were currently visiting the Royal Academy. Of these leaflets, the ones about Wang Ju Long, Hui Yue, and Rong Ming were selling like hot cakes. Everyone wished to have a copy.

The students who bought these leaflets bought them for the sake of understanding their opponents. In a fight against another student, it was beneficial to know who you were to fight and what skills they had. Gao Yan’s informational leaflets made it very easy to gain this knowledge.

The audience bought these leaflets to learn which family the talented young students belonged to, in hopes of ingratiating themselves to these families. The leaflets were also taken home afterward for reviewing the various martial arts skills that had been used. If they could perhaps get a copy of it, they could help the families behind the children.

Students and audience alike had long since discerned the tension between Wang Ju Long and Hui Yue. Gao Yan sold an immense amount of these two young boys’ leaflets. More leaflets were sold of these two than of Rong Ming, the top seeded contestant.

As the tournament days progressed, Hui Yue fought a few matches in which his opponents did not forfeit. These opponents were all promptly beaten without many blows exchanged.

Upon finishing his fight, Hui Yue would spend the rest of the day relaxing together with his friends before returning to his courtyard to cultivate. The off days from matches were considered rest days. Hui Yue would do nothing apart from training on those days.

“Winner is the first year student, Hui Yue!” the judge announced. Hui Yue once again stepped down from the stage on which his match had been held.

His opponent was lying on the floor, unconscious after getting hit by the martial arts attack skill Stone Fist. This student was a four star Disciple ranked cultivator, making him the strongest opponent that Hui Yue had fought.

Although Hui Yue still managed to escape from taking any blows from his opponent head on, his fighting was no longer as gracefully nor as fluently carried out as it had been earlier in the week. This was to be expected as Hui Yue was only a ninth star Student ranked cultivator matched against higher ranked cultivators. He was one of the few Student ranked cultivators left within the entire tournament.

What had helped Hui Yue achieve victory was due to incorporating Wushu into his workouts. Remembering what his teacher had taught him, including which areas of the body to hit and how to defend, led to a quick knockout.

It was evident that Hui Yue would have had a more quickly executed win if he had used his Qi Knives from the Transforming Weapons or his improved Fire Spark. However, both of these skills were the aces up his sleeve. Hui Yue did not wish to reveal his advantages that other people did not know about, too early.

Fire Spark had been seen previously by the teachers and students within the academy. It was only natural that it had been placed within the leaflet. Nevertheless, Hui Yue wished to keep it secret, as it had evolved far above known expectations. It was an ability with immense potential for devastating destruction.

As Hui Yue stepped off of the stage, he looked towards the site where Rong Xing currently fought with a young male who seemed to be from the year above the Rong twins.

This student was standing slightly bent forward on the stage. His garments were shredded into pieces, and the previously blue garment fabric was dyed dark by blood.

Everywhere on his skin fight marks were evident, as if someone had stabbed him with a knife repeatedly. Even so, the young man was staring at Rong Xing with an unwavering determination in his eyes to continue the fight.

The stage floor below him was slowly turning into a sea of red. Drops of blood were falling from his skin, but, the young man clenched his fists determinedly and, once again, rushed towards the unscathed Rong Xing.

So far, every fight Rong Xing had participated in had consisted of students who had forfeited so that she could win. This forfeiting was done for various reasons. Some forfeited to curry her favor, others did it to avoid insulting the City Lord’s only daughter, and some forfeited due to the sheer difference in strength between Rong Xing and themselves.

Now, in front of Rong Ming was the first student not willing to back down. His eyes did not see the beautiful and young daughter of the City Lord. He did not see an overwhelming difference in their strength. To this young combatant, Rong Xing was an opponent against whom he had to give his utmost fighting effort.

Everyone present, including Hui Yue, felt an admiration towards this hardworking young man. He was a year older than Rong Xing; however, his cultivation base was only at the eight star Disciple rank. His qi was not of superior quality nor was it considered poor.

No matter which matchup aspect the audience considered, it was apparent that this young man was inferior to Rong Xing in every way. Nevertheless, this young man showed no intention of giving up. As he stood there, he suddenly summoned the final amount of qi within his body.

The blood vessels within his right eye exploded, causing him to look like a devil. The qi all gathered on his right hand as he shot towards the fragile-looking Rong Xing.

“He is cheating!” Deng Wu yelled by instinct as he feared what could happen to Rong Xing. Even though he was yelling this, the judge paid no attention to the comment. He was very certain that the attack adhered to the rules.

“Please be okay,” Rong Ming mumbled. His eyes, filled with worry, were intently focused upon his sister. She was in a serious fight for the first time since the tournament began.

Upon gathering with his friends, Hui Yue noticed all of them suddenly panicking. It would not be possible for her to come away from an attack like this unscathed even if Rong Xing were stronger than her opponent. Although all the others were terrified, Hui Yue felt calm. So far, none of the attacks had hit the young girl. It was highly unlikely that this final attack would land on her, as the tenacious youth’s speed had not increased.

Hui Yue was correct. As the fist moved towards her, she elegantly stepped aside. This caused the exhausted student to rush past her collapsing upon the floor.

Upon looking at this young man, a shocked expression filled the audience. They realized how easily Rong Xing had won against her opponent. Just as the judge was about to announce the results, the young fighter stood up. His half-lidded right eye dripped blood and a stream of blood trickled from the corner of his lip.

“I…. I can still fight…. still…. fight….” He said with much difficulty as more blood seeped out of his mouth.

Rong Xing looked at him tentatively, then glanced at her brother, before a gentle smile appeared on her face.

“I forfeit,” she said with a voice that tolerated no questions from the judge. As a judge, he no longer had the right to declare her the winner.

“I will not…. accept…. your pity!” the wounded man said as he stumbled towards Rong Xing only to see her escape once again.

“I might have a higher cultivation than you,” Rong Xing said with a voice as light as the summer breeze. “But raw strength is not the only thing which matters to a cultivator,” she continued.

“You beat me long ago with your determination to participate in this tournament, a determination I never had from the beginning. I did not lose in strength. I lost in mentality.”

Having said that, Rong Xing made her way off the stage and walked towards her friends. They all looked very relieved as they saw their friend with no injuries.

What Rong Xing said was correct. As a cultivator strength was something anyone could get as long as they had patience. An unwavering determination was something which was needed if the person desired greatness.

Suddenly the sale of leaflets piqued. Everyone wished to know more about this unknown cultivator who had just collapsed on top of the stage - winner against Rong Xing, daughter of the City Lord. This fight had definitely changed his future.