Food With Iron

‘How long was I unconscious?’ Hui Yue asked Lan Feng, as he slowly circled the small green pearl, observing it from every angle possible.

‘Only a few moments,’ was Lan Feng’s answer. Lan Feng was also walking around the pearl. No matter how much the two looked at the pearl, no clues could be found.

‘The only thing we know is that it is connected with that red mist and blue cloud somehow. We just don’t know how yet.’ Hearing this, Hui Yue nodded. ‘Don’t forget to mention its healing properties. It looks like my body is healing fast thanks to it.’

‘That’s true, but you can’t rely on it indefinitely,’ Lan Feng pointed out, feeling as if Hui Yue was suddenly too joyful. Everything had a certain limit, and it was evident that this pearl had one too.

‘Although it healed you it has diminished in size. We don’t know how long it will take for it to regain its previous size. But for now, just act as if you do not have this healing ability. It is always better to be cautious.’