Next, Please

The reason Hui Yue managed to defeat the giant man so quickly was exactly because of his size. Hui Yue was small and nimble. From the tender age of five, he had practiced Velocity Flow. It was a martial art which increased his speed by immense amounts. After having evolved the copy into a true clone with an equal amount of damage as himself, Hui Yue could truly use his strength and his speed to beat a much larger and slower opponent.

The man was lying down, still alive, on the ground. Hui Yue did nothing else but hit him with the back of Black Blood. As soon as the giant collapsed, Hui Yue sheathed his dagger placing it within his memory stone once more.

The opposing team was filled with rage and hate. Their eyes promised Hui Yue a world of pain as they carried their friend off the stage. But none of them dared to make a move to attack.

Hui Yue looked at them with annoyance. However, he became slightly alert as his next opponent stepped up.