The First Night

Seated among the mercenaries, his eyes which had previously been haughty turned excited, and his face was smiling as he looked from one person to another.

Just as he sat down, Wang Ju Long started to split up portions of the stew she had made, and the food was shared with everyone at the bonfire, even the young master.

Yang Bai looked down at the bowl of food, his face looking somewhat uncertain about whether or not he dare taste it. But when he saw how Hui Yue and his friends were eating it with pleasure he swallowed the saliva in his mouth before he took a small spoonful and placed it in his mouth. He noticed instantly that it tasted much better than what he had expected.

It definitely also tasted better than the dried foods he had eaten within the carriage earlier that day. With a satisfied expression on his face, he gulped down his entire portion while smiling.