Hiding in the shadows, Hui Yue waited for the four Kings to vanish into the distance before he heaved a heavy sigh of relief.
He never expected that the captain would be willing to let so many soldiers under his command die and then not avenge them. But after hearing the word ‘Laws,' Hui Yue understood that their so-called cargo was definitely a higher priority. As he watched them vanish into the distance mixed emotions washed over him.
Saving his friends was the main aim of his attack which succeeded. However, he was well aware that something had happened to him during the attack and he needed to spend some time to inspect his body and investigate the changes that occurred. Although he knew this, Hui Yue would do nothing until he was together with his friends again. With a final glance towards the dark tunnel where the King ranked experts vanished, Hui Yue turned around and started running towards his friends.