Personal Insight

It seemed that her breakthrough did not raise her rank. However, her body was shining with a green light which showed she gained some insights into her elemental affinity for wood.

Seeing this, a surge of happiness appeared in Hui Yue’s heart. The more insights and breakthroughs they had, the stronger their group became. Despite all his cultivating recently, he still felt he was far from strong enough to be able to look after his friends. Due to this, he wished for them to improve so that even when they reached the Dragon Core, none of them would be easy targets to pick on.

Sha Yun constantly improved even if she did nothing at all. As a magical beast, she improved as she grew older. This was something which made Hui Yue worry less about her.

After Deng Wu spent time looking through the immense amount of new inscriptions he obtained he quickly found that they contained high-ranked abilities, some of which even contained wu wei rather than spiritual energy.