Training From Hell

The first thing Hui Yue did upon arriving at the room was to look around. It was incredibly bare, looking almost like a prison cell with nothing more than a stone bed, a stone chair, and a stone desk. Everything looked cold and gloomy, but Hui Yue knew that all he needed was right there. The room itself did not have any storage space, but having a belt filled with storage stones, this was in no way a problem.

On the stone desk, Hui Yue found pen and paper, and he quickly sat down to write the letter to his friends. Knowing not where Sha Yun, Deng Wu, and Wang Ju Long were, he addressed his letter to the Rong twins which he knew were within the Main Branch of the Royal Academy. He guessed that the three of his friends would have gone to meet up upon arrival.

Dear Rong Ming and Rong Xing,