You are Me

“You said that you have nine caves within your lower dantian, right?” Wan Qiao asked, and Hui Yue nodded his head. The conversation was finally about to get serious, and he was curious as to what was going to happen.

“How many of these caves are open, and what do they do?” she asked again. She knew that she had asked about it before, but this time she wanted to fully focus on the phenomena. They were such a great benefit to Hui Yue. One could tell just looking at how much the first cave had done for him already. It was a great shame that he dared not mess with the others.

Hesitating slightly, Hui Yue started to describe what was living within him, “The first cave is the beast core and red mist which belongs to my red wolf self. You know it allows me to transform into a wolf-man.”