An Unbelievable Attack

“Lord, I wish to receive that attack of yours!” a voice boomed throughout the grounds, and both the cat and Hui Yue looked at the speaker. The speaker was a tall One-Horned Eagle, clearly a beast from Wan Qiao’s army. He seemed to have the same rank as Hui Yue and the previous opponent.

Seeing this, Hui Yue was calm. With a gentle nod and a curious look, he allowed for the next expert to ascend to the stage. This expert was not certain whether or not the cat lost on purpose, but to him, it did not matter. What mattered was to feel new extreme attacks, to understand how others fought and learn from their understanding. This was a highly skilled expert, one among many in this group of guards.

As the One-Horned Eagle headed towards the arena, everyone was watching intently hoping to see the net attack once again. Hoping to try and understand what it was.