The Oasis

Looking at the young man, Hui Yue could sense pride and a certain aloofness he had only previously seen in the noble families from Riluo City. There was a certain degree of arrogance and a self-confidence that one could only have if that person occupied a high-ranking position. Looking at this young man, Hui Yue instantly knew that he had found the village elder.

“Greetings,” Hui Yue said with a nod of his head. A show of politeness that none of the beasts would have shown him. Just as the beasts were growling slightly, the village head was astonished to see such behavior, but he quickly replied to the sign of friendship with a nod of his own.

“Tell me, what do you require to allow us to leave?” he asked through clenched teeth. Although Hui Yue showed that he was polite, the horde behind him were beasts, and one could guess how savage they were.