The Siege

The air was crisp as Hui Yue stood in front the city wall just outside the reach of their arrows. His breath could be seen in the early morning air as he squinted his eyes against the rising sun. In camp behind him, the beasts were slowly stirring. This morning no one woke them up. Hui Yue decided to let them sleep as long as possible, or cultivate if that was what they were doing. For today, he would need them to be at their peak; they would now start battling the high-ranked soldiers of the Siban Empire, alongside the fact that somehow they needed to enter the city.

The city in front of him was built into the side of a mountain, and his army was camped outside the walls by the only entrance in and out of the city. Wan Qiao stood by his side. The One-Horned Jasmine Eagle had spent the entire night flying outside the city searching for other exits but no matter where she had looked, she hadn’t seen any hidden entries nor tunnels.