On the Road

The eastern city gate at the capital of the Taiyang Kingdom was a place always crowded with people. Merchants appeared in caravans with their items ready for sale or returned from selling all their items in distant cities. Mercenaries poured into the city after having finished missions outside or from hunting magical beasts. Adventurers arrived in the city while making a small stop on their travels through the kingdoms as they trained and improved their inner energies and martial arts.

Usually, the city gate would be bustling as everyone rushed through the gate, but today things were different. The summer sun beat down on the ground, but none of the usual energy was seen; instead, all the citizens who would have already been through the city gates were now held back. The horde of people had been split into two groups, one on each side with the middle devoid of people, except two. These two were the focus of everyone, and both stuck out like a sore thumb.