Protective Charms

Looking at the mountain of treasures in front of him, Hui Yue found that some of them were jade bottles full of pills. These were pills he had never seen before, not even from what he had obtained within the grave. From this, one could tell that the pills he had gained earlier were ordinary. The ones he had now were the pills that actually mattered to the deceased expert.

"Circlet of the Deep Abyss. A black circlet which allows the user to create a dimensional space which can suck in any opponent. It is impossible to leave the dimensional space unless the circlet is broken."

"Locket of the Nine Heavens. When activated the locket makes it possible to withstand the attack of a God for one breath of time."

"Scroll of the Vengeful Yama. Summons a Hell-demon. Any attack you suffer will be moved to the Hell-demon instead. The Hell-demon will battle by your side for as long as it takes an incense stick to burn."