Natural Talent

A frown appeared on the woman's face, and she stood up from her chair. She started walking around the many apprentice alchemists, and all of them were clearly nervous as she came close to them. Many of them had failed the refinement of the herb they were currently working on.

The woman did not seem to care that her presence caused more trouble than help to the many apprentice alchemists taking the exam. In her eyes, if they could not control the flame when she was walking by, then they were not worth her time.

There was no limit to how many times the apprentices were allowed to try and refine a herb as long as it was done within the time frame of the exam. Almost no alchemists were capable of having a success rate of a hundred percent; not even the master alchemists dared to make such a claim.

The woman moved slowly looking over at each contestant. Hui Yue did not feel any pressure from her, not even when he realized that she was moving towards him.