Entering the Sunset Mountains

Walking through the marketplace, they bought many items and food; even Lao was inspired by Jo and purchased a few snacks which he ate, but his biggest focus was on the merchants who had pills for sale. Lao was always looking for medicinal pills that could help him with his elemental affinities. He also looked for herbs which he could give Hui Yue. This was so his father could craft more pills for him as well.

Everyone was interested in the marketplace, but the items for sale were almost exclusively things one would find in the mountains. Most of the items Hui Yue could get in Muchuan City as well; only it was cheaper here than in the capital.

Everywhere they went, they were treated with respect by merchants and mercenaries alike. The rumor of this poison woman had already spread throughout the city, and no one wanted to insult them. This was a small city, after all, there weren't many strong cultivators.