Goddess Nuwa

The friends searched everywhere, but no matter where they looked they did not find anymore Laws. They did, however, find the rooms where the corps harvested the Laws’ energy.

"They were harvesting Ancestral Worldpower here?" The bull suddenly asked as he appeared behind Hui Yue. A heavy stench of blood followed behind him, but nothing was seen on his body or clothes. It was clear that he had experienced no problems earlier, and now a terrifying anger exploded from his body as he looked at this inhumane place.

"The Laws were our elders! They were created at the same time as this world. When we were created these Laws were our seniors. They taught us about the world; they taught us what it means to be alive!"

"Let me tell you a secret!" The bull growled seriously. His voice carried a terrifying killing intent towards An He and the many divine beast corps within the Dungeons of the Divine who had treated these Laws in such a way.