We Are Staying

While cultivating, Hui Yue looked deep within his core. There were the different caves filled with his memories and also the Nirvana Phoenix Flame alongside Lan Feng.

Recently, in the last few days, Hui Yue had tried to get into contact with Lan Feng, but he found that the phoenix was completely lost in a trance and he was unable to speak with him.

Ever since Hui Yue had spoken with Yanluo at the banquet, he had tried contacting Lan Feng to hear if the King of Hell was correct when he said that Lan Feng had given up his own future reincarnations for the sake of resurrecting Hui Yue. He wanted to ask why on earth he had done that for someone he did not even know back then.

But no matter how curious Hui Yue was, the phoenix did not respond to him. By now the phoenix had been quiet for a very long time, and it was impossible to say when he would return to his usual nagging self, and also be able to answer any questions that Hui Yue might have.