Formation Masters

"You want to purchase formations for beginners?" The clerk repeated the words Hui Yue said, and the white-haired young man just nodded his head in agreement. He said nothing, just waited for the clerk to find the formations for him.

Clearing his throat, the clerk looked at Hui Yue curiously. "I need you to show me your ten seals before I can allow you to purchase any formations. One cannot purchase formations for others, they have to be for yourself," he continued, and Hui Yue nodded his head. He lifted his hand, and ten seals sprung to life and started floating around his hand.

"Is this enough?" he asked with a smile on his face, and the clerk instantly shut up and nodded his head. "I will find a set of format ions for beginners. Will you be paying with Worldpower Stones or contribution points?"

Hui Yue, who had still not taken any missions, had no contribution point s and thus he had no other option than to pay with Ancestral Worldpower Stones.