Fighting Huli

Hui Yue and Huli looked at one another on top of the arena. There was no enmity between them, but there was quite a bit of tension in the air as neither felt secure being the first to rush into attacking.

Although striking first had its benefits, it also came with downsides. For instance, the moment one executed a move, one would also expose their weaknesses that the opponent would be able to exploit to their greatest benefit.

Huli truly was a sly, old fox. She had lived for countless years, and she was a true opportunist. If she really went all out then although Hui Yue had more major daos than her, he was not certain about his chances of victory against her.

Huli simply had much more battle experience than Hui Yue. She had grown into her strength a long time ago while Hui Yue was constantly increasing in strength and had not had the time to fully get used to his newly obtained strength.