Wedding Preparations

Sha Yun was not eager to accept such an arrangement. Her face was dark, and the thoughts were clear on her face. She wanted to be the principal wife, but after thinking it through, she calmed herself and nodded her head.

"I approve," she said through gritted teeth. It was clear that it took a lot out of her to agree to this, but it was something she would be ok with.

Huli, on the other hand, was stunned by the sudden offer and she stared shocked at Wang Ju Long, unable to say anything for a long time.

Only after hearing Sha Yun concurring to the suggestion did she seem to understand that she was to be Hui Yue’s principal wife.

She said nothing, but for the first time that Hui Yue had ever seen, a blush appeared on her face, and a bashful look was sent towards Hui Yue who was at a loss for what to do.

He had not wanted to choose between the women; he loved all of them equally, but Wang Ju Long's words made sense to all of them.