Yanluo’s Invitation

Hearing this, Pei Ziqi wavered. Her heart was not in the sect where she would waste every day cultivating; her heart had long since belonged to fighting on bloody battlefields.

Hearing Hui Yue say that they were going to join a war, Pei Ziqi's heart was filled with longing and she did not know what to do. She understood that Hui Yue was trying to tempt her, but she also knew that he would not lie to her. If he said that they were going off to fight in a war, then they really were going to do so.

Hui Yue snickered when he noticed the troubled expression on Pei Ziqi's face.

"This time you can follow as a companion rather than my dao protector," Hui Yue continued to tempt. "You don't need to be my nanny, constantly looking after me, you can take it easy and just enjoy the trip."