Black Palace

The rumors that were spreading were shocking news throughout the western region, however, other things were happening in the rest of the galaxy that caused people to not have time for this small occurrence.

All over the galaxy, spanning from the heavenly worlds to the great sects and true hegemons of the galaxy, the patriarchs and ancestors set out on a journey to Diyu.

Had it been just one or two people who were heading there, then it would not have received the widespread attention that it did, but from throughout the galaxy, legendary, reclusive cultivators were once more making an appearance in the martial world.

These figures had spent an eternity inside their sects, worlds, or families, and they had not left for eons, but now all of them were moving towards the same place. While everyone knew people were heading to Diyu for a meeting no matter who or how many times they were asked, no one answered. They all kept quiet about the secret meeting.