An Army

More and more Blood Demons poured into the western region. Every world was being fought over, but the war, in general, was now fought very differently from when they started.

Groups of experts patrolled the space, attacking their enemies on sight. Sometimes they would group up with other teams and attack a stronghold or a resting place used by their enemies, and other times they would attack caravans that carried valuables from one stronghold to another. Even merchants that went from world to world would be targets of the Blood Demons.

"I don't understand the sudden change in the Blood Demons' warfare," Wan Qiao said as she stabbed a spear into the head of a lowly Blood Demon.

The group was out hunting the three squads of demons that laid waste to every human or beast they came across, but it was as if something was keeping them separated on purpose. It was as if the Blood Demons knew exactly where Hui Yue's group was and for this reason, only cannon fodder was sent their way.