Life and Death

The many Blood Demons roared as a reply to their blood prince causing the ground to shake and a heavy pressure to descend onto Hui Yue and his friends.

Although they had expected it to be an ambush and knew that they would be up against masses of strong experts, things were different when they stood in the actual situation.

Still, none of them stepped back, they all merely smiled though some of the smiles were slightly strained.

Hui Yue was unaffected by their display of might. His eyes were locked on the blood prince.

This blood prince was the highest ranked prince he had ever met, and it was clear that he was facing his most formidable opponent to date.

Still, instead of feeling despair, Hui Yue felt the urge to fight burn within. He knew that he did not have to worry about the others when Wang Ju Long was looking after them; his only task was to focus on this blood prince.