The Outcome of the Battle

Bai Rouyun felt sore all over; wounds were also appearing on her body, her white outfit was being dyed red from her blood.

Wounds of varying degrees had marred her body, and Bai Rouyun was gritting her teeth together. She held the sword in her hand and attacked with a ferociousness that showed that she was putting her life on the line.

Although she was more wounded than the snake, no fear could be seen in Bai Rouyun's eyes; there was not even the slightest ripple of emotion.

The Crimson Horned Snake was frustrated. It had never encountered anyone who could injure it to such an extent, but just like Bai Rouyun, it did not give up and continued to fight with renewed fierceness.

Bai Rouyun felt her legs staggering underneath her. She was running on her final energy, but she also knew that it was now when the outcome of the battle would be decided.