
"Although she has been, well, partly consumed by some beasts, her death was caused by human hand. Look at the clean cut on her throat, which has severed the head from the rest of the body.

"We searched the surroundings for a long time, but there were no traces of anyone. Nor have there been any traces of robbery on Princess Xing's body, all her valuables are still there.

"What's more, her clothes were all intact; no one has defiled her. She was directly killed, so I have the feeling that someone harbored a grudge against her, and took the chance to release their anger on her when they met her in the forest."

The Emperor listened to the young expert's detailed and reasonable arguments, and he felt relieved that Princess Xing had not been defiled, but he was sorrowful to know that she had been killed.

Knowing that his favorite daughter had died, the Emperor was feeling regretful. Would she still be alive, had he not held the Royal Hunting Feast?