Coincidence or Connection?

Bai Rouyun felt very puzzled. She could not sense the hostility in Jiang Wei's inquiring gaze, nor could she understand the purpose of his wish to gain information about herself and her knowledge of the Eternal Shadow Palace.

The uncertainty and the doubts made it so that Bai Rouyun was extra cautious in the words she chose and the questions she answered.

Jiang Wei was also an expert at avoiding sensitive topics, and at the time they arrived at the Thousand Treasure Pavilion, she had still not gained any information about his past.

The two both shared a gaze of deep inquiry before they tacitly decided to postpone their conversation. It was not suitable for the two of them to continue their conversation within the store.

Bai Rouyun located the manager. She was getting impatient waiting for a resource with the properties of recreating or enhancing her body. The inability to use Qi was truly making her frustrated.