Gratitude and Blessing

"Jiaojiao, dear, do you know anything about this area?" As the group began to move forward, Bai Rouyun asked the young girl that held her hand.

Although the little dragon girl had accepted the offer of joining them, and felt assured of Bai Rouyun's personality, she still was worried and fearful of losing this tenderness she had longed for for so long.

The grip was stronger than what an ordinary child would use, but Bai Rouyun did not mind the more forceful hold as she gently squeezed the little girl's hand and tried to divert her attention.

As expected, Jiaojiao's eyes lit up when she realized that she might be able to help her newfound mother with the knowledge she had gained, so she happily began to explain.

"I have lived here for a long time, so I am more familiar with the surroundings than anyone else!"