“You Are Here”

The road was full of life, and the crowd was as busy as when she had first arrived. Although the Forgotten City was not having a market day, many foreign experts had already arrived within the city. All of them held a hope of gaining some wealth from the changes that had happened within the Forgotten Forest.

"There is someone observing me from the shadows." Although Bai Rouyun was not as strong as the majority of the experts on the streets, her soul was stronger than most, and her spiritual sense was slowly developing in the right direction, so she could feel a weak gaze that kept observing her every move.

Although the gaze contained an oppressive power, it did not seem to hold any hostility. Even so, the intensity behind it seemed to be very overwhelming, and Bai Rouyun had a hard time trying to ignore it, but even when she tried to locate the origin, she was unable to find any traces.