The Danger Behind

All the ones present agreed with Bai Rouyun's opinion on continuing forward on the path they were already walking. Although there were other options, no one knew whether they were more beneficial or not, so no matter which direction they went, it would become a gamble. Since this was the case, they might as well follow their most favorite person.

"Look, the path seem to become steeper all of a sudden." Xiao Mao looked at the ground beneath his paws, and could not help but comment as he felt how the ground was descending even more rapidly than before.

"The space is also getting much narrower." Jiaojiao also wished to comment on their current situation.

"But, although the path seem to have changed, we have not encountered any dangers yet, and although I am certain that there is some sort of large predator waiting for us close by, I can't even see any traces of it, nor sense how close to us it is." This was the point that frustrated Xiao Mao the most.