Chapter Fifty Eight.

I settle for a pale pink turtle neck and denim jeans before lacing up my converse. My hair is resting on my shoulders in soft waves and I exhale deeply as I sit up straight. I can hear the laughter bubbling away in the living room however all I can feel inside of me is dread. I don't know how Brody and Jedd are going to handle being in the same room with one another. I haven't seen Brody since last night and the thought of it causes my hands to tremble in my lap.

I decide to suck it up because I can't avoid either of them forever. I stand up, wiping my sweaty palms against my jeans before heading for the door. As I make my way towards the living room, the chattering quietens and everyone turns to face me. My eyes scan over each body and I feel my heart drop to the pit of my stomach as I realise Brody isn't here.

He's gone.