
"Wow, Mr Flash. When did you rob a bank?"

"Jam please Trish," Leroy murmurs, placing his palms against his eyes and rubbing. His hair is sticking up in blonde little tufts and I chuckle, smoothing the strands down.

"Okay Bud. Did you have a good sleep?" I asked, spreading the jam on three pieces of toast. I didn't want him going hungry.

"Yeah, I had a dream about my new friend," he said, lifting his cup of milk to his lips and taking a long drink. I turned and placed the plate in front of him, leaning back to give him a smile.

"Who's your new friend?"

"Her name is Anna, she's in my class," he grins cheekily, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He reaches for a slice of toast, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Ooh, is Anna your girlfriend?" I tease, waggling my eyebrows playfully at him. I nibble on a slice of toast myself, keeping an eye on the kitchen clock. I don't want to be late for college.

Leroy chuckles, looking pleased with himself.

"I have two! Anna and Jessie!" He grins proudly, his mouth half full with chewed up toast. My eyebrows raise in surprise and I can't help but laugh.

Leroy Lockwood, the school's player.

My five year old cousin has a better love-life than I do. Depressing, huh?

"What about you Trish?" Leroy asks, wiping the crumbs off his hands.

"I don't have anyone Bud, not a single boyfriend in sight." I chuckle, reaching over to ruffle his hair. He slaps my hand away playfully, fixing his hair.

"Don't worry Trish, you'll always have me."

He smiles innocently, his words so sweet and pure.

"I know Leroy, you're the best."


"Well hello honey, how are you doing?" A guy from class smirks, his eyes drifting down my body. I feel sick from his leering glare and I turn towards him, a fierce look in my eyes.

"I was much better before you started to talk to me."

He chuckles, shaking his head at my response.

Doesn't he realise I'm deadly serious?

"I'm not joking," I mutter, walking away from him. His hand shoots out, wrapping itself around the top of my arms. He suddenly becomes so close, I can taste his cheap aftershave.

"Come on Trish, don't play hard to get." He whispers seductively, doing anything but turn me on. I shove at his chest, giving him a disgusted look.

"Get off me, seriously. You're a dog," I mutter, feeling my throat tighten. I inhale deeply, forcing myself to calm down.

"You weren't saying that a few weeks ago," he said quietly, his eyes darkening considerably as he thought of me. I feel bile rise to the back of my throat and I shove harder at him, desperate to get him away from me.

"Biggest mistake of my life." I hiss at him, feeling angry at myself.

"Do you want to make that mistake again?" He mutters, lowering his head to nuzzle into my neck. I struggle against him, my force doing little to move his muscular body. He's suddenly pulled back away from me and I finally breathe in relief, blinking in surprise.

I look up to find Jake have a tight hold of his collar, pinning him up against the opposite wall. The guy brings to struggle to breathe to move, eyes wide with fear. I watch as Jake leans closer to his ear, danger lining his voice.

"The girl doesn't want you. Get away from her before I hospitalise you." He warns him, reaching up to slap his cheeks. To an outsider, the gesture appears friendly however I know Jake.

It's anything but friendly.

He quickly nods, his face turning shades paler. Jake grins boyishly, looking pleased with himself as he lets him go.

"Run along now." He smirks, putting his hands in his pockets casually. The guy from class nods repeatedly before sprinting down of the corridor, as quick as a flash. I blow out the breath I'm holding, grateful for my friend.

"Thanks, Jake," I say quietly. My gaze falls to the floor and embarrassment overcomes me.

I feel disgusting.

"Did he hurt you?" Jake asks, giving me a once over. I shake my head, my throat so closed over, it's difficult to speak. Jake notices my uneasiness and he sighs, looking at me with an intense look in his eyes.

"What did he want?" He questions, picking up my bag from the floor. It must have dropped when he cornered me, I didn't even realise. I shake my head once again, refusing to reply to him in case my voice breaks with emotion.

"Are you coming to class, sweetheart?" Jake asks, placing his arm around my shoulders protectively. I nod, looking up to give him a small smile.

I'm grateful that he's looking out for me and doesn't push me to tell him what's wrong.

"Where's Emily?" I ask as we walk down the corridors, Jake glaring at any guys that look our way. It's funny the way everyone avoids him like he's the plague on legs.

"She's not feeling too great, I left her in bed. Are you coming round tonight to see her? She'd like that." Jake says, scrolling through his phone with his free hand. I nod, a small smile lighting up my face at the mention of her.

"I hope she feels better soon. It's horrible seeing her in so much pain," I mutter, sadness hitting me. Jake simply nods, his jaw tensing up at the mention of Emily's pregnancy pain. He's way overprotective of her but in a good way.

"Why don't you take her shopping after college? She's been talking about these baby outfits she's seen online." Jake mentions, pulling out his wallet. He rifles through it, handing me a wad of cash. I raise my eyebrows —

"Wow, Mr Flash. When did you rob a bank?" I ask, taking the money from him. He lets out a chuckle, shaking his head at me.

"Just shut up and take the money," he warns jokingly, giving me a faux fierce glare. I lift my hand to my forehead, giving him my best soldier salute.

"Yes, sir."