Freedom in the Woods

It was about miles before I couldn't see the camp. We actually escaped the camp, but...where else were we supposed to go? I looked at Glenn, he was also thinking the same thing I'm guessing.

But Gwen looked over-happy. "I can't believe it!" she said. She looked at us. "Look here guys, first I'm seeing my parents, then I will have so much fun. All the drinks, all the—"

"What about the army?" Glenn asked. Gwen quieted down. "Maybe that was just a joke," she said, but her sigh mixed in with her words making sure we didn't hear it.

I could understand though. We hated them for years but now that we're all out in the woods. What would we do?

Glenn read our minds, "Guys, we literally thought about this. We even outsmarted the guards about this. Was that all for a waste?"

I looked at him shamefully. After all—I mean—we were able to escape, we can probably join the Army.

"But what if we get trapped again?" I asked. Glenn sighed. I knew he was thinking about that also. His expression turned darker and his hair followed the wind.

"Hey is it me, or is the wind blowing fast?" Gwen wondered. Then we all froze; voices were behind us getting closer and closer.

I looked back. I saw about six big cars and forty men running up front. "Sir, this is tiring. We haven't even found them one single bit.

A man with a bushy beard and a black hat looked at him. "Those Americans are not escaping." It suddenly hit me. Those were the people from camp!

"Run!!" I shouted. We ran as fast as we could. I ran

faster than running from Ashely and her foul friends. "There they are!" a German shouted.

Bullets started flying. "Hide!" shouted Glenn. We hid behind a bush. But that wouldn't do so much work.

I panted and was breathing heavily. My heart felt like it went two times faster. Glenn hovered his arms over my head. Gwen whimpered.

One of the vehicles stopped. Footsteps started from far away, and went closer and louder. Something clicked. We moved farther away until we reached a group of bushes.

"I know you're here," the German said. "Once we find you, you would've wished you stayed at the camp."

He went forward. "Shhh, stay quiet," Glenn said. The German continued. "We will starve you, make you work ten times harder."

I felt his hot breath come from beside the bushes. "But you can make things up," he said. "Join the Germans, join the Axis Powers."

The Axis Powers? I felt bad in my stomach.

"Yes, you won't have to suffer. We will win, and when we win. You will be honored, you will have a wife and children. You will be rich."

Gwen looked scared. She got a stick by her and used it as a weapon. The German was in front of the bush now. "Come on move!" Glenn said. We ran for it. "Hey!" shouted the German. He fired his rifle, we covered our heads. My boots sank in the mud and I tripped.

"Tyrant!" shouted Glenn. He pulled me up and we continued. No shots were heard. I sat down to rest.

This was hard. It was just as bad as the camp! But there was no point going back; we would've worked ten times harder.

I coughed and sighed. "Tyrant you okay?" he asked. I looked at him and nodded. Gwen looked down and sobbed. I put my hands around her, and she sobbed her heart out.

It started sprinkling. "We might as well find somewhere to hide," Glenn said.


It was ten minutes before we found one.

The thunder boomed, the rain smashed to the ground. "Hurry," said Glenn.

We went inside the rain, and I collapsed. "Tyrant!" shouted Glenn. I was still awake, but I was so tired, I couldn't move my hands.

Glenn shouted my name and my eyesight went dark. The galaxy was showing and—I fainted.


I found myself on the floor, and a bucket of water was by me.

I groaned. "Wha-what happened?" I saw a pile of fish being cooked. Gwen was cooking it with a fork.

"Whe-where's Glenn?" I asked.

"He was just getting something." I looked around, and I looked at her again.

"You know, you're not the only one who is unlucky," she said. Her voice turned soft like she was telling a horror story.

I looked around and looked at the fire. Gwen stared at it as if images were showing through the fire.