Getting Our Resupply

There was no light being shown, I couldn't really tell whether it was the back or the side.

I put my hand onto the car. It was rusty—you could feel the dirt tickling on your hand. I tried to find something if it was a trunk.

"Got it," Gwen said. It was dark as if there was nothing in there at all. It was void. We got into the truck. I saw bags of different kinds of stuff. Grenades, ammo, and something else that looked like walkie-talkies.

Many bags were on that particular table though. A door was by the table. I turned the wooden knob of the door.

It was some kind of room. It had two sofas and a wooden box full of apples. I saw a suitcase, it was metal and had a lock on it. I don't know how I would even find the key!

I looked on the sofa, I couldn't find anything. I looked through the sofa—which was indeed deep. "Tyrant, found anything?" "Yeah, sort of," I said, still looking. "Let's hurry up."

We were done around here. We crouched, going out the truck with heavy bags of ammunition and grenades. But those soldiers were still there.

"Stay down," I whispered. "Hey you!" someone shouted. They ran toward us, heavy armor and big long rifles that faced toward us. We were done for! I covered Gwen tightly.

"Tyrant!" someone familiar yelled. It was Glenn, and many others behind him—including Sarge. "What do we have here?" Sarge said.


I had to take a shower. It was cold and it felt more murky but it felt good. I had to go to Sarge, where the rest of the soldiers were.

I went inside, worried that I was in trouble again.

But, I shouldn't be. But why should I not?

Indeed, I was not. The people clapped and applauded me. "Huh?" I wondered.

"You gave us a resupply, surprisingly," Sarge said. "Better armor, ammunition, and better rifles. But the most important thing is that, we have their battle formations."

He opened the suitcase, and there were better rifles and battle formations. I was overwhelmed with confusion.

"This was just only a blessing," he said. "But we will continue to train. Because rifles don't make us stronger. It's how we act, looking out for one another, that helps us win."