Time To Be An Obedient Daughter

It's been a few weeks since I went to Adair's house but until now my head still hurts every time I will remember her antics. Ughh! Pregnant woman.

Someone hugged me from behind and I smiled when I saw Felix who just seemed to wake up from the bed. He smiled at me making his deep dimples appear.

"You're spacing out hmm, what are you thinking?" he whispered as his head sank into my nape. I guess he's still sleepy.

I leaned my back to his chest. "Nathan."

He stiffened at what I said. I tried to peek at him to see his reaction but he looked away from me. He glanced at me then forced a smile. "I-I'll just take a bath." He quietly removed his hug from me.

I do not know why but I was disturbed by his silence so I spoke again. "I'm just thinking about Adair and my future godchild."

He nodded while trying to restrain himself from smiling. "I heard she went to another country to endorse a luxury brand."

I nodded. She went out of the country again to work. She was about to cancel her endorsement because she wants to rest from stress for her baby to be healthy but because of what Aiden said to her...


"Do you know the reason why I refused to be Aiden's wife?!" She violently grabbed the pizza while looking from afar. She bit the pizza hardly while her eyes narrowed as if she's willing to kill whatever is the reason why. She looked at me and I could clearly see her annoyance and rage.

"Because it's an arranged marriage?"

"Because Aiden's sister is the bitch who Felix kisses back then!"

I looked at her, wondering who she was referring to. Who among them? Kissing only one woman a day is not enough for Felix. It might take us a year if I tried to guess who she is. "Who among them?"

"The- .." She cringed as she remembered who she was referring to. "The one Felix kissed at your house! Nedia!" She was about to drink pineapple juice made by Aiden but she took the glass away from her face after she smelled it. Now I remember. Nedia is the very rich slut whose Felix is ​​kissing downstairs in our house.

"That!" She pointed her finger to her favorite pineapple juice as if it is the reason for all of her suffering. "That is just like Nedia, it stinks and it can make you sick!"

I just kept quiet. I have to understand that she's pregnant. Even if I remind her that the pineapple juice is used to be her favorite, she might just get mad at me.

"And did you know that if the name Aiden is reversed, Nedia will be the result! Aiden's parents told me that, they thought I was happy with their disgusting stories!" She looked badly at the pineapple juice. Suddenly I felt sorry for the pineapple juice even though it can't feel anything. The pineapple juice is not doing anything bad for Adair! Hayst!

I just tried to smile at Adair. Her mood swings are bad! I know she was loud before but it tripled when she got pregnant!

"So you're jealous?" I tried to tease and annoy her with a smile. She was obviously jealous but I still asked just to hope that she'll say no.

"No! Ewww!" She took the pizza again and chewed it while looking at me with cringed expression.

"Aren't you jealous? Wow! That's new!"

"Of course not! I'm actually disgusted! Imagine that Nedia had already kissed Felix! Felix who had tons of FUBU before!" She violently got another pizza and chewed eat hard again as if she's blaming the pizza for what's happening to her.

I gasped. She forgets that she also had numerous Fubu and one of them is Felix whom she now hates. I just noticed, it seems like Adair is always hot-headed with Felix now. That's new. She used to be happy with the little attention Felix gave her then, now she just pinches and speaks ill when it comes to him.

Cause of Adair's annoyance, she did not notice that what she was drinking is pineapple juice. She angrily lowered the glass of juice and shouted Aiden's name.

"Aiden!" I immediately covered my ears. She is really suited to be an ambulance because of her noise!

Aiden immediately went down wearing his engineer attire but his necktie was still not fixed and it looks like the blueprint was accidentally brought because of his panic. He looked puzzled when he glances at Adair after he saw that she was in good condition and not harmed. I secretly smiled because of their cuteness but my smile immediately vanished when Adair threw the pineapple juice on Aiden making his blueprint wet as well as his clothes.

Seems like Adair realize what she had done when Aiden just stared at him seriously. Her tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought of a possible valid reason for what she had done. "Ahh- Ehhh it's your fault! The pineapple juice stinks, it doesn't taste good! Why did you give that to me?! You should have brought apple or maybe orange!"

"Pineapple juice is delicious. That's your favorite isn't it?"

"N-no! You didn't ask me if I wanted to drink that disgusting juice?! You just decided on your own!"

"That's enough. Your too noisy."

I was shocked by how cold Aiden spoke. I do not know how they can tolerate the attitude of each other when they're completely different.

"D-did you say that I'm noisy?" Aiden and I stared at each other when we heard Adair sob. The Adair we know does not cry when teased or when someone speaks to her badly! Because once she retaliates you'll wish that you'll never cross paths with her again! Adair ran into her room. Aiden and I tried to chase her but she locked the door.

"Adair, I'm sorry. I was just kidding. You are not noisy. A little bit, yes but you are not noisy."

I immediately covered my mouth to suppress my laughter. Aiden is UNDERstanding to Adair. Hahahah

"Shut up! I know that I'm not noisy! You're just telling me that I'm noisy so that I will get angry at you, so I can leave you and you can get rid of me! You don't want me anymore because I'm already having pimples!"

Aiden immediately covered his ears when Adair shouted again. Hahaha So who's not noisy again? Pft. They are cute.

"Why would I make an excuse for you to leave me if I really want us to get married."

"You just forced yourself to marry me because you don't want to tarnish your last name. You're a freaking nerd!"

"I want us to get married because I love you!"

Suddenly the surroundings became quiet. So it is quiet here when Adair's mouth is closed huh? I was about to say something if I had not just realized what Aiden said. He loved Adair but what was even more surprising was that he shouted!

Aiden also seemed shocked by what he said. He rummaged through the blueprint and threw it in a nearby trash can and then left the house riding his car. I didn't even notice that he was still holding that wet blueprint.

Slowly the door opened. Adair peeked and looked around and when she confirmed that Aiden was gone, she came out while carrying her suitcase.

"I thought you're going to rest form working?" I approached her and grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving.

"I have to breathe, I have to escape." She averted her eyes from me and then went down the stairs.

"But he said he loved you!" I put my hands in front of her but she just shoved it away. Out of annoyance and concern, I was able to utter words I did not expect to come out from my mouth. "Stop running away from your problems learn to face it!"

She nonchalantly looks at me. "Yes Angelie, I am escaping my problems again. Just like what I did before."

She left me dumbfounded, unable to utter any words after what she said.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Adair seems moody ever since she got pregnant." I look at Felix to ask for his opinion.

He nodded. "She also knows how to hurt me now. She used to be sweet to me."

I punched him lightly. "You're happy about that?! Huh?"

I chuckled when he nodded like an obedient puppy. "Yup!"

"By the way, why aren't you asking me about your dad?"

I was stunned by his question. My dad is in a coma! I'm such a bad daughter! Why did I forget about Daddy's situation when I'm the reason why he's in that burden?! "I want to visit him." I beggingly look at Felix. I've been so forgetful these days. Maybe I should go to hospital.

He sighed. "Your mother is still furious. She said that she won't allow you to visit your father because she doesn't want a disobedient daughter around her husband.

I sighed. Maybe it's time for me to be a good child. Maybe I should give them what they are asking for. An heir...


*•.¸♡ 𝐊𝐚яу𝕝 ♡¸.•*/ KaAyRaYaLa / WomanOfLetters