CH 81: A Protective Boyfriend?

Ambryan gazed at the ceiling. Nothing came out of his bluetooth earpiece—not a sound; not even a breath. Kiri had fallen back to sleep and the air had gone still. Only his thoughts echoed through the silence.

"It's you who would be challenged."

'A reason to fall for Evangeline?' He pondered. The question revolved around his head. It taunted him for answers. Crease lines materialized on his forehead. He noted it down for research later.

There should be sources that could help him out.

Pushing himself off the table, Ambryan reached for his phone and dialed a familiar number. It rang once before the receiver picked it up.


"Wen," he greeted shortly. "Coordinate with my mother about Evangeline's security immediately. I want most, if not all, risks eliminated. Go over the details and be sure to report them to me. I want the final say."

"Will do, boss."