CH 84: Mister Hot and Cold Jr.

The week flew by smoothly. Ambryan had agreed on the plan to lay low for the time being. He dedicated his time on his work, fully using his energy on it. He attended meetings, reviewed reports and checked on the running movies. They did well in theaters and broke through their revenue goals.

Nothing was out of the ordinary. 

It was now Friday.

Eve stood behind her desk.

She faced the low cabinets and flipped through a folder in her hands. It had the files for every business trip her boss had taken. She had organized it by month, making it easier to track down whichever document she needed. 

For now, she searched for a business trip over a year ago. It seemed that Ambryan would take it again in two months. She had to prepare the accommodations by using the previous one as reference. She remembered the name of the hotel but she wanted to be sure.

Her glasses slid down her nose. 

She pushed them back up.