CH 118: An Email of Affection

De La Lune specialized in French cuisine. 

Their dining areas were divided into large halls. All the round tables and chairs had been covered with white cloth. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, providing most of the lighting. Lamps hung on the walls for additional luminosity. 

People occupied half of one hallway. They spoke in hushed tones so other tables wouldn't be able to hear them. Staff workers stood near the walls and hallways, always ready to be of service to their assigned area.

The atmosphere simply screamed elegant and refined.

"Why don't we start out with salads, hm?" Avery suggested, looking through a menu. It had a red velvet casing. "I am suddenly craving for some Caesar salad. I could taste the dressing."

"Oh? No escargots for today?" Jackson teased from her left. He held a glass of scotch in one hand as he read his own copy of the menu. "That's your favorite appetizer from this restaurant."