CH 132: Seeing is Believing

"Oh! Sorry, mister!" Ede apologized, bowing her head once. She moved out of his way and stood by her sister's side. Goosebumps sprouted on her skin. The intimidating gaze was still fresh on her mind. 

He was a man that she needed to avoid.

Or else, she'd get into a whole lot of trouble.

Eri tilted her head sideways while staring at the man. Unlike her twin sister, she didn't feel afraid. He hadn't moved since Ede unblocked his path. That simple pause had piqued her curiosity. She mimicked his stance.

They stood a foot away from each other.

Her brown eyes squinted at his face.

"You look familiar," she stated. Her height reached just below his chest. 

"Eri!" Ede hissed. "Don't. He's a stranger. We're not supposed to talk to strangers."

"But he's familiar!" Eri defended, sparing his sister a glance. She turned her head back towards Ambryan. "I know I've seen you somewhere. I am just not sure when."