CH 154: And So It Goes

"I have to go."






Eve pushed the front door using her back. Thankfully, the hallway outside the penthouse was empty. It allowed her a bit of privacy. She panted for breath, bowing her head. Her thoughts and emotions swirled together. She could hardly see a thing. 

She closed her eyes and focused on her heart. 

It threatened to pop right out of her chest.

"Wha-wha-" she struggled to whisper. The black void in her mind slowly created coherent images. Her lips felt warm—and so did her entire face.

The memory burned on her skin like fire.

'What did just happen?' Eve asked herself. Blinking, she snapped her head from left to right as if the answers were written on the walls. She steeled herself against the door, afraid that Ambryan might think of checking on it.

There was only one thing left to do.
