CH 163: Shall We Continue in Private?

'So sly…'

Eve clicked her tongue. Her lips posed in a smirk. It seemed like she wasn't the only one ready for battle. She blinked her eyes downwards, popping her mouth. Her head stayed bowed and she peeked at Ambryan through her lashes.

"Mr. Hathaway…" she spoke softly. Her eyebrow arched up and her nose directed towards the right. "Are you stalking me?"

"Stalking is a strong word," Ambryan replied. He fixed her bangs, making sure they were straight. "I think saying that I just want to hold onto you as long as possible is a better fit."

Cale clamped a hand against his mouth. His hold on Amy tightened. They hooked arms like two handcuffs. Nothing could break through it—not even a man running at full speed nor a truck about to transport a soul to another world.

Eve tilted her head sideways. "And why is that?"

"So you'd have zero chances of escaping."