CH 192: In Too Deep

Andie unlocked the apartment door, humming to herself. Her coworker had one song on repeat the entire day. It was now stuck in her head. She didn't mind it because it really was good. She hadn't looked up the lyrics once and she already muttered them under her breath.

After taking off her shoes, she tossed her bag to the couch and entered the kitchen.

She flicked the switch to turn on the lights, still humming the same tune.

"Uh-huh-uh-huh-GAH!" Andie yelped with a jump. She placed her hands over her chest and felt her heart's rapid beats. "Eve! You scared me!"

Eve looked up from her stool. She had one arm folded over the island counter as she munched on a carrot. "Well, that's a first."

Her best friend rolled her eyes. "What are you even doing here? This is my territory."

"I'm still not sure about this."