CH 197: The Night is Young

People crowded the end of the hallway.

A server had seen the commotion and dropped his tray. The nearest guests noticed his line of sight. They scrambled to see what had startled him. Their hands flew to their mouths in shock. What a scene! The calm and collected CEO had lost his composure. He grabbed the man's dress shirt and tugged it.

Whatever he said, they didn't hear.

And so the whispers began.

Eve's shoulders tensed when their voices registered in her head. Her fear began to take effect. It was one thing to have her reputation tainted by her crude behavior in the middle of a party, it was another thing to have Ambryan dragged into it. He was the host. Despite everything, he was meant to be courteous—break off disturbances in a peaceful manner for the lack of better words.

Avery rushed into the scene. The two women locked eyes. 

They shared a silent agreement.