CH 199: Probably an Interruption

Eve's breath hitched as Ambryan moved from her neck and to her collarbone, leaving another kiss. Her body went still. Ambryan lifted his head. Their eyes locked for the next few seconds. Then, his gaze dropped to her lips. 

They parted open when Eve realized his stare.

Ambryan brushed his thumbs on her cheeks. He pressed his forehead against hers. "As much as I want to go further, I understand you might not—appreciate that after what happened earlier. But I do want you to know about what I feel."

"And what exactly is that?"

When Eve heard her own words, she experienced internal panic. Her heartbeat went up. Alarm bells rang in her ears. Did she want to hear this? Right now? The answer wasn't as clear as black and white. 

She pressed her lips together. "The tea is getting cold."

Ambryan stopped breathing for a second.