CH 220: Reader.exe Stopped Working

"Does that mean you want to marry him?" 

… EverleeHart.exe stopped working. 

Eve had to hand it to Ambryan. At least, he stopped thinking it was Mikael on her mind. 

"Sir Hathaway," she began to say. "I know you're curious but haven't we just established that I can't confess my feelings to his face yet? The idea of marriage is not even in the equation."

He considered her argument. "Fair enough."

But his secretary was on a roll. Her mouth continued to run off, elaborating her point. "You see, liking someone or dating someone doesn't automatically mean one already thinks of marriage. Take you for instance, Sir Hathaway. Have you already decided whether to marry Ms. Reed or not?"

Ambryan stared off into space. This almost felt like déjà vu. These thoughts weren't unfamiliar and it wasn't because his mother constantly asked for a grandchild. They had occurred to him in this office not too long ago.

Or was it somewhere else?